Monday, July 12, 2021


One of the perks of being old is getting invited out to eat.
Sometimes a simple healthy snack or at other times a feast!

Sandra and Randy prepared such a feat to welcome Carol home.
 a fabulous salad, a salmom from the barbecue, hot rice, corn on the cob, and shrimp jumble.
Topped off with Chocolate cake and ice cream.  Dad could not resist it.
Even Spenser had a little taste of my salmon.
Stting outside with a cool breeze wonderfu..

No camera no picture.

I had had a bad time with nausea and dizzyness.  I am not taking drugs anymore.

On Friday Sara and I took her dog and mine to the park.
They liked the shade.
Her daughter MarryAnne came to help and met us.
This is her little dog.

Cleaning up the garage,

This Monday morning I expected Dr. Nolte to phone but either he is very late or he forgot.

I was up very early.
No early enough for the sunrise which would be beautiful to soo.

The quiet early morning with the door open and birds chirping seems like a sacred time.
I spend time in prayer.




1 comment:

Shandel said...

I love being up early to hear the birds and the quiet.