Friday, July 23, 2021


The first to arrive fir the party,
Still fighting colds
Carol brought us a fantastic supper.
Taco's with lots of trimings.
Like Carol would dsay yummy yummy delicious!

It was a great party with my favorite couples there.

It was true I had said not bother with a party.]
Everyone is busy working.  Carol is doing some counseling
Randy had the day off but would be up bright and early in the morning for work..
Sandra had worked from home.
Panteli has work at the colledge.

I had woke up dreaming avout making it more of a party with ballons and pary napkins.

Dad waited for over an hour for a phone dall from his doctor so it got too late.\
It was fun anyway.

Spemser refused to go for his walk this morning.
I am not sure if he is not feeling well or just wants me to go.
He fussed a bit later in the day but did go.
He likes both the other dogs.

I am feeling weak and so is dad.
He feels he has a bladder infection.
The doctors left at 2 so we have to phone again in the morning.

I put some expensive cream on my face last night and I dreamed all my wrinkles were gone.

That dream did not come true either,


This was an early birthday bash.

Dad slept well.
Too bad Sandra did not.
I thought the cats had there on room.

a little better picdtures.



Steady-as-rain said...

Well, an early birthday party. That was nice. I wish I could have been there.

I hope Spenser doesn't get too fussy.



Sandra said...

Randy had worked that day as well. The kittens only have their own room while they are small and mom it still with them, then they sleep where ever they want. Maybe all these walks with other dogs have left Spencer a little sore as they probably walk faster than you.


nancy-Lou said...

Who was the party for? Your birthday Beth? Great photos.
How old is Spenser? I bet he doesn’t want to walk too far.
They need more frequent walks, but not far. 10 to 15 minutes is good. Our dog Pedro had Lyme disease, which is caused from a deer tick bite. He was pretty sick and I couldn’t take him far. Just a couple of houses. He had joint pain and was lethargic. He is recovered now after 30 days on an antibiotic. Those wood ticks carry some bad bugs. Quite a few types.
Happy Birthday to whom ever it was!
Your back Beth?
I had a bad fall on iron steps that have a grill on the treads.
The rubber sole on my sandals got
Caught in the grill and I lurched forward. Taking a header down , luckily I caught myself on the railing but I really hurt my knee and hip. I was just told I have moderate to severe damage in my hip from osteoporosis arthritis. So now it is worse. Going for X-rays tomorrow.
This was at our local hotel. the steps are very dangerous and they are going to replace them. 16 steps. It I hit them I think it would have been very serious.
So I am
Taking it easy.
Wishing you both a lovely day
Ps I think this is our 20th day of over 30 degrees C. Very hot and dangerous for fires.