Friday, July 2, 2021


Party time at Sandra and Randy's July 1

A perfecct day
Ben's grad party.

So good to see Justice drive over himself.

So much potential in all these young people.
Morgan and Ben and Justice have donw great in school this past year.

It is excellent to have faith in your potential and work hard to do your best.

Faith in life and faith in God's presence that goes with you!




nancy-Lou said... are back on line and writing on your blog! Many thanks to Sandra for getting it up and running again and you can put on your pictures too! Lovely photos of the kids and adults too. Party time is so good isn't it after all these months of code red.

Manitoba is just beginning to open up..we still have very strict rules, like only 25% of people allowed in the stores. so there are line ups in the hot sun. People are more relaxed now and I notice not wearing masks as much.
We got our second shot two days ago and once the two weeks passes we will receive a digital card for our phone and a paper one as well, in the mail.

Have you and Larry received your two vaccine shots too?

There is a pesky mosquito bothering me so I am going to sign off.

Have a lovely evening and a good sleep,
Love Nancy

Shandel said...

Welcome back! Fresh new photos too! So awesome to see.