Sunday, August 15, 2021


The door is open hope some one will wander in.
Oliver wass the first to arrive.

dd inspected his new camper and was impresseed.
Oliver is planning a big trip in the fall.

Carol gives him a big hug.
It was cool in our back yard and a great place to enjoy the delicious food /carol had prepared for us.

Sandra did wander in after the party was over.
Busy day with her kittens.

WE were invited to join everyone for supper 
but it would have been too much for onr day.

A day to remember!


Sandra said...

Hmm, if I leave my door open I am just going to get bugs come in and kittens go out!

The kittens were not sure if they knew each other last night, but this morning they are all playing together again.

Had a nice visit with Oliver, has been too long.


nancy-Lou said...

HI Beth, Nice to see photos of Oliver and his new camper. I bet he will get a lot of use out of it! Lovely photo of he and his Mom.
I hope you can take things easy with the heat and smoke in Vancouver lately. we have had the same thing here. I am tired of the heat, but as long as we keep watering, the garden is doing well.

I am going to read the rest of your blog that I have missed and comment there!