Thursday, July 7, 2022


Even Spenser has friends.
He says "Hello" and goes right back to sniffing.

I have many childhood memories of my best friends. 

Most of my childhood memories are happy ones.
 I am thankful for the wonderful friends we have made

We have and by attending church,
That is where I met Jane and Jeff, and Cathy and Glen and Pat and John.
They have been and still are the best of friends.

I am thankful that we live in a friendly neighborhood.

Dad and I fell in love and married.
Now many years later after four children we have become best froens.




Ken Bennett said...

I had friends ....I have a couple of local friends but they have families that they are involved with so we only catch up every two months or so. Melina is still my closest friend , we still talk everyday. Until she finds a new man then it will be difficult to be friends . We are considering a motorcycle for Matthew's birthday . Matt rides Jesse's . Good to see him get out of the house away from his computers . Wet here.Rocky off to the Vet soon.
PS Happy birthday Rick

Steady-as-rain said...

Thanks for the birthday card. It arrived today. Right on time.

I remember you talking about your friend Lynn.



Sandra said...

I hope that I can make new friends after I retire, but glad I still have some work friends I keep touch with.

Ken Bennett said...

Australia 3042
