Tuesday, February 3, 2009

One comment is better than none.

Sandra, I answered on the comment sheet. Dad is very sick with a bad cold.

I went for a walk but did not do yoga I have to figure out when to schedule this.

I am off to the library now

P. S. I sniped a bit of a rose bush so you had better come and help me pretty soon. Maybe good therapy after seeing Dr. Nolte!


Anonymous said...

Why did you leave the Wises?
Some time too busy to comment but we
read ( Melina ) and I most Days.
Matthew is not allowed to sleep with us any
more the nurse told us . That is going ok
but Melina needs some prayer action because
She is exusted .

Ps hope it better soon
Love you two .

Anonymous said...

Why is Melina exausted Kenny?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I have dad/Mary's sore throat and cold now. Thank goodness it is almost the weekend so I can lie on the couch and watch season one of Dead Like Me that I just bought. I walked yesterday too, it was a very nice day out here, no wind at all. When we walk we go by the lumber yards and then the Nature Path factury where they make the cerial, so we get lots of nice smells, except in the spring when the farmers start to spread the manuer in the feilds right behind us.