Wednesday, February 25, 2009



My life a comedy of errors

I could do a comedy skit just doing my yoga, and I often find myself not breathing when I should be practicing breathing, I keep junk mail and lose the important ones, I wear mismatched socks because they come out of the direr that way, I can never find my cell phone when it rings, I am compulsive about moving things with the intention of putting them in the "right place", I go to the store and forget to take money, and when I have money it just disappears, I would rather be Jewish than Buddhist, I like religion to be funny and then I can laugh at myself and others, I am forgetful and can never find glasses or my purse, I am starting to enjoy children's stories more than the grim best-sellers. Every picture I hang is crooked I think they move when I am not looking.

But in spite of all this I managed to raise [I don't know if that is the right word] healthy, intelligent, loving and caring, insightful and exceptional children. Larry was busy with work and all his many other interests on his way to becoming a millionaire. He was a loving father but maybe a little too busy. I was the one that was impatient and would lose my temper; looking back I was stressed to the max. I went to all their activities to cheer them on and went to all the interviews at the school. I enjoyed being a mom but wish I had had better health.

I did it with love in my heart for each one!
Theresa I am very pleased that you would also like to be like me. I also think all my grandchildren and great grandchildren are amazing!

I believe as children we start with a soft heart but if we allow it to become hard and closed we end up with a broken heart; but that can be a good thing because Jesus is a mender of hearts. He tenderly glues us back together so that we become stronger and more compassionate.

I have put my faith in Jesus and try to live by his teachings.

"Faith, as I understand it, is a recognition that there is something ultimately mysterious and deeply beautiful about the world." Rabbi David Wolpe

Pain is the shawdow that can blot out the light but the light is always there for us.

We walk in light that is redeeming!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Matthew's " Roving eye " is ok. Nothing to
Worry about . Melina is not too well.