Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Gramma was not suppose to know that Uncle Kenny was coming on March 3 but I overheard the excitment in dad's voice. It would be lovely if all the family could come but I quess that is not possible. But just in case you need an invitation you are all welcome. I have the extra bed for Jessie and a crib/play pen for Mathew. We could get a high chair. I am not fussing about anything much anymore and I can go and lie down and that helps.
Grandpa would love to visit Rick at Blind Bay. It would be great to see him too.
Saturday at Sandra's and Randy's sounds great. Maybe I will do a pot luck on Sunday and Kim can bring her dish.
The doctor was completely annoyed with me because I have gecome so careless taking the calcium and Atenol but I will now start.
This is pancake day here now as it is the beginning of Lent. Lent is a time to clean out of our hearts and minds any excess baggage and be free of those tempting goodies that comfort us.
"It is a time to show grace to others, because you have experienced God's grace," a time to strengthen your relation ship with Jesus; aware of His sacrifice and His call upon your life.
Dad and I are going to Kim and Mike's for supper, should be fun.
No pancakes for us either.

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