Thursday, April 9, 2009


Anyone remember that song.?

I feel like I am in a spiritual fog which is like feeling lost. This is Holy Week; a painful week for Jesus; especially when he is deserted by his friends. Misunderstood and opposed because they could not accept he was leaving them. Every step on this final journey must have been agony knowing he was leaving all those who he loved so dearly. The love that he carried within him had given him authority over sickness and evil.

Nothing was stronger than this love he carried in his heart; which he had so freely given away. His strength was leaving him knowing his friends could not protect him or begin to understand all the pain he was facing.

Jesus came to remind us that the Father in Heaven touches each little heart with love before it enters this world. God knows us in the womb and it is His love that comes upon us in times of great sadness. The world is in a mess and we know we cannot control the economics nor the direction that may take us into despair.

Jesus died with a passionate love for all, saint or sinner and all he commands us to do is keep loving. A soul that is joined with the soul of Jesus feels all the pain of the world yet lives in hope.

I was so happy that Ken had seen my moon and we shared a moment of awe and wonder; more than my film could capture; but an awesome moment of wonder.

Now, back to life. Dad started to fix the fence but took down the gate and it is all rotting and is turning into a terrible job. His feet are very painful and so is his mouth. His mouth is worse because cancer wins so many battles. He is depressed and feeling very sore and his strength has gone. I am not too helpful because there is so little I can do to help.

"Keep going to the doctor I tell him again and again; you have to fight this battle because your children are fighting with you and want you to be free of pain and worry. He goes to Kay Kennedy today where he is looked after very graciously. It is so easy to want to just give up but we must not let him.

Your health is the most precious gift that gives us the courage to keep on keeping on. Many doors seem to be shut to us, and I remember wondering how we would ever get a house of our own.

I have tried to help others like Cathy etc. when they had no money for food. I have given money to others and to the church maybe I should have just buried it and had more to give now.

I know that struggle can make us stronger. I see the spirit of generosity living on in my family and that touches my heart.

We had a good visit with Carol and Panteli. Carol was extremely tired after a hard day couseling. Kim also dropped by with a miserable cold. I tired to find Ken's medicine but only found it after she left.

As usual I am writing from my heart which can be happy and sad at the same time. I so greatly appreciate those who take time to read my thoughts now and share with me their lives. I am so thankful Randy once again arrived safely.

Jesus, thank you, for giving your life, so that we would have new life in all our relationships. Jesus thank you for your life within us all!


Anonymous said...

I really enjoy your writing. I have a very talented grandma!

I hope that things are going to get better soon for you guys health wise.

Has grandpa tried yoga? Maybe it would help with circulation.

Take care

beth bennett said...

What a blessing you are to us both. We love you so much.
Do hope Ben is doing better. lol Gramma

Anonymous said...

Oh, there is a Theresa comment! They are not lost in cyber space after all.
I say lots of excersice to get the blood flowing and dads feet better. Or, how about standing on his head? Maybe too much blood?
I will be tackling unloading the trailer full of compost, drop by any time, Mary is going to come over on Saturday too, but not to help.

Anonymous said...

Well written mom . There was too much
Fog today to see the moon.

Ps LOL means laughing out loud....

Anonymous said...