Monday, April 6, 2009


Yes Ken, my walking makes me happy. Here are two pictures from last night. It was a beautiful night. There were others out walking, some with dogs, a boy and his dad playing baseball and a beautiful sun in the trees.
It was a quiet day for me but a busy day for dad cleaning out the garage and cutting lawn etc. Cathy stopped by on her moter-bike; she was enjoying a long ride.
Palm Sunday seems like such a happy day as we travell back to the entry into Jerusalum by Jesus. The crowd cheered with great excitment and expectation! Their lives would be changing and a new King would set them free from poverty and desparation.
Jesus did come to comfort the unhappy and disturb the comfortable. His whole being burned with passion as he entered the temple and saw greed and power and abuse. In anger he over turned the money changers table and clears the corruption from the temple. God's house was to be a place of prayer and healing where all our equal and all feel the love of the Father.
Jesus still disturbs our inner peace and satisfaction today and makes us look deep into our own souls as we journey with him on the road to the cross. "By sharing our most human traits" as we travel together and help one another along the road we feel less lonely, less afraid and vulnerable.
Today Sandra is dropping by and we may go see the new fence Randy is working on.
We will be off to the library but first it is my morning walk! Dad is happy if I have my phone and just go down Sunwood to Scott Road and back. For now that is the plan

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