Friday, April 17, 2009


This is the hill I walk up with Janet. It seems steep to me

You can see a lot more if you enlarge the pictures. I tried to take Stephen and Shawna's favorite restaraunt but downloaded the wrong picture.

Dad and I had fun at the beach taking pictures, it was a dull day but people were sitting outside. We stopped at Choices at the way down and I got loaded up with some good things.

The doctor phoned dad back about his lip cancer but dad did not really tell him as much as he should although he did say it is getting worse. Pat H. brought some herbal stuff for his mouth and this should help. We have such amazing good friends most of whom are good people and I see the life of Christ in them. We are extremely grateful to be surrounded by such love and caring.

Carol phoned as Lia needed to be picked up at the airport and taken to the airport to fly to New York for a weddimg. Panteli was unavailable at the meeting and she was home without a car. Lia was very talkative and happy about her life so it was good to see her. Oliver has a job doing hard landscaping but he is happy to be working. It was late for us to go out and we did not get home until 10:30. I was totally over-tired [yes I know I do not have a teething baby] but I had had no rest and just couldn't settle down. I put on the i-pod and what a blessing. I can listen to music but not all that gloom and doom; on what'his name that dad listens to. Yes, it is Art Bell. Boy am I doppy today.

I am hoping my walk this morning will renew my energy. I have one little shingle let in my eye brow and boy it gets itchy. I will go over and meet Janet I am so fortunate to have her as a friend.

This is the Sun Run week-end and I thought I would like to go again but that is a laugh. I also thought we would do the Grouse Grine which is even funnier. We will be happy just to be a little healthy; well I am, according to Dr. Nolte, and dad is on his way. Pain seems to last forever when you are going through it.

I need some advice with my garden and I do not even live in Edmonton.
I would like to go and visit Stephen and Shawna but cannot leave dad.
I know that seems strange to you young people.

The funny thing is that for two days we have been taking our re cycle bin out and then back in but of course when the truck comes this morning it was in. The holiday messed us up.


Anonymous said...

So are you just sending out a general SOS for garden advice, or is this directed at any one in particular?
And why cant you leave dad to come to Edmonton? We could get Mary and MJ to house sit for you, just like they take care of my dogs, they could take care of dad. Stephen and Shawna would love to have you and I would like the company on the drive.
Too bad I did not know you were going to Choices, a girl here at work was raving about some dried berries they have there that are a real energy boost she said, I am willing to try anything, well other then anti depresants of course!

beth bennett said...

I am just wondering if the world class expert might be by.

Dad is havinf a lot of oain and feeling miserable.

beth bennett said...

If you came over we could sing down to Choices!

Anonymous said...

Art Bell ?
Matthew slept ok last night ,well he
Was still asleep at 3am when I woke.