Sunday, April 5, 2009

WORRY [continued from yesterday]

My friend came over to give us some tickets for an afternoon play. Very thoughtful but the lecture she gave me about going for walks that make dad worry made me very depressed. Walk around the block they say. I AM SORRY THAT DAD WORRIES BUT I HAVE A CELL PHONE AND I HAVE ALWAYS WALKED.

That was strange because I did not put the caoital letters on.; but maybe I did. If you love somebody you will worry about them. The play was a message from God to me. It was one lady who danced and told the story of her grandmother. A beautiful joyful dance that told a story that was both happy and sad. A story of faith set against the darkness of the Holocaust; Jewish and Christian stories, a struggle that even included rigid male domination.

Lilia Skala worked in a garment factory but she was born to dance. In moments of deep sadness shefelt that God had protected her and been with her. The doctor did not think she would live but she did. She would come to feel the power of God's presence within her as she faced difficulties. She had three dreams to become a saint, marry a handsome man and be a famous dancer. She did marry late in life and had a daughter but her husband tried to dominate her. He was unhappy in his work and when he retired he left for Autralia and she waved happily good-bye to him. She had the love of her daughter "no greater love than between a mother and a child."

She fineshed her life teaching disabled, even deaf children to dance and to feel the joy of dancing.
Dance therapy continues using the music chosen by her.

I would love to be able to dance or to sing but my joy is in my walking. It is sad to look in the mirror and see the ugly wrinkles but I am trying to stay active. I did some work in the front garden and it went better so I am thankful my energy is returning.

My bag of peas broke open in the bed last night and there were these cold little peas everywhere. It was pretty funny.

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