Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Everyone has a story to tell and moments when the presence of Jesus feels very real. We often keep these moments secret but I feel priviledge to share some of mine with you.

I beieve in a God who has an amazing imagination and this is apart of my faith.

I like to believe that as an infant when I was baptized an angel came to me and whispered: " do you want to believe?" My spirit said yes and I have always believed.
Faith is a gift to be cherished and and received and rekindled by prayer and reading scripture and worshiping with others.

I have experienced many forms of worship, from conservative to some may call fanatic. For me that was a time of going deeper into my faith, receiving emotional inner healing. Life scars us all but God's love can cover over our scars if we ask him and if we receive prayer.

It was at this time I was baztized in the ocean at White Rock with a cast on my arm. It was a very moving experience.

Yes, most of the time we look like we have it all together as we worship by singing or listening to scripture or responding in prayer. I believe that there is an energy of love, the spirit of Jesus, that meets us in our worship. Receiving the sacrament is a simple act of eating bread and drinking wine but the mystery of Jesus pours into us to renew us and remind us that we are one with him and he lives within us. We are forgiven.

I have had to struggle with health problems and I remember when Jesus spoke to me and told me to go back to a certain doctor. I had decided I was sick and weary of going to doctors. I could not ignore this inner prompting and through this doctor I was diagnosed as celiac which means no wheat.
IBy this time I had had to quite teaching Sunday School because of my health.

I have had two dreams when Jesus appeared to me. Before flying to the Dominican republic I was terrified. My stomach was in knots until I had a dream and there I was in a small plane and Jesus was sitting right behind me. I like to think he was laughing and enjoying the ride. I still was a little fearful but I went on the trip.

I believe in the power of prayer and the power of scripture and this includes the gifts of the Holy Spirit, gifts like the gift of prophecy and the gift of hospitality etc.. The gift of prophecy is when a person prays for you they get a picture which they share with you. I was prayed for by some one I did not know who saw me pictured ar an old fashioned desk with an old fashioned ink well and pen having such fun writing. I was encouraged to write and share my writing.

Now, my faith is expressed daily in my writing. But I had started writing a journal years ago when my children became teen-agers. I would write out my prayers for them and try to stop worrying. My morning writing has been a great blessing to me.

I pray a lot and I still worry but I am so happy when prayer is answered. It is like your whole spirit responds with Yes.

I have been with people close to death and prayed quietly beside them. My breath joins in with their breathing and I am aware that there is a release of the soul to enter into peace that waits for us all. I have been aware of a presence and I have looked around but not seen anything. It is difficult to visit and be with people who are suffering but I see that as my way to give to others what God has given to me.

Spiritual moments can be times of tears or times of great joy and awe or simply a inner calm.

My faith started in my heart and I have had to learn to gain head knowledge. Belonging to small groups, studying together has opened my mind to knowledge that others have learnt and I need to allow this to also change me.

So for me conversion is a process but one that has powerful moments to encourage us in our searching for truth. I still need to ask God what are you trying to teach me every day?

I am not involved in church to any great extent as Larry and I deal with our health issues. I feel more grounded now and am aware of how much I need to keep close to Jesus. Being thankful helps me when I feel discouraged.


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