Wednesday, April 29, 2009



I am feeling very sensitive and need to be appreciated for the kind person that I am. We aa have to learn with our own miserable mistales and do the best to correct things.

As we get older things become harder to do and we find we do not have the energy to cope with things. It takes an effort to be positive and look for the good and forget about the past mistakes.

I get worn down by worry and do my best to help others cope with pain and disappointment.

We are all so imperfect and it is so easy to blame others for feelings of unhappiness. We need to make an effort to see the good in others and try to be cheerful.

I am happy when others are happy and sad when they are sad.

I am happy we live in a family where religion and church can be disgust; and we can blame religions for all the ills of the world; but still believe in a "God" who has taught us through the words of Jesus how to live.

Many people have told me that I am an inspiration and I have been asked to share my faith in Bible study and in Church. I have a positive faith that is still searching for answers but for all the questions Jesus is the answer.

I believe he died on the cross because sacrifice is part of life and yet I do not like pictures of Jesus suffering because the main fact is he is risen and he lives with us all.
This was an act to affirm life and to energize people to rise above their
powerlessness and to reach out to others.

Yes the great mystery of the cross is that when we embrace our powerlessness we become powerful. Paul believed that the power of the gospel came from the faith in a risen Christ and the power of forgiveness that sets us free.

Jesus was expressing sorrow even as the pope expresses sorrow for some of the injustice and abuse his church has inflicted.

Jesus died with a sorrowful heart for all the injustice and cruelty he had seen and a broken heart because people rejected his message that could heal and transform those who were stuck in lives of unhappiness and failure.

I do not need to be reminded of my mistakes they haunt my mind and my dreams but I do need to be told that I am loveable just as I am. There are always lessons to be learnt as we work at relating to each other. I have decided to be hopeful.


Anonymous said...

Matthew was is a lot of pain yesterday , with his new teeth comming in . He did not let me sleep much . I think I choose a fantastic mother !!

Love you Mom

beth bennett said...

Thank you!

Love you mom

Anonymous said...

The least important thing about Jesus was whether or not he died on the cross.



Anonymous said...

LOL, you are funny Ricky. I guess you need to find some positive people to be around to zero out the affect of the negative people in your life. And how can your past mistakes haunt you, I did not think you made any? Well, you didnt chop down any rose bushes did you?