Monday, April 27, 2009


Everyone wants to be healthy and also happy.

Right now I am extremely worried about dad and the cancer around his face. We have to see the doctor today so that we know what we are facing and the right treatment. I have never even had a cold sore on my lips so I cannot imagine how this feels.

Worry steals our happiness and our faith can be challenged. Prayer helps as we share our worries and find new strength for each day.

Happiness is knowing we are loved and we are surrounded by love!
Everyone lives with a certain amount of unhappiness and unfulfilled dreams just because we are human. We cause ourselves and others unhappiness; sometimes very unintentional.

Jesus said I will be your burdren bearer if you let me.
Jesus said my suffering makes me one of you
and my pain absorbs yours.
Happiness is knowing I am forgiven.

Every morning we wake up to face the reality of the day and look for the inner happiness to give us the joy of being alive!

Happiness is being thankful for improving health and thankful for all the help we are being given. Knowing we can also help others.


Anonymous said...

Sorry that you and dad are worried, are you going to the cancer specialist for his face today? I will call later and see how it went.

Anonymous said...

Nice photograph. Let me know what the specialist says.

