Tuesday, April 28, 2009


We are so grateful the skin cancer doctor has made time to see us this morning. Larry has had a long battle with this cancer on his lip which is now feeling even more painful with two small boils appearing. He needs to know how much and how often to use the Ufedex to stop the spread.

The news today is reporting new cases of the swine flu that has spread from Mexico as more and more people are travelling. Our doctors are important especially to diagnose and treat us.
Knowledge is power that can help us to calm our fear and anxiety.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you trying to boost dr egos or something? Sound pretty rah rah about them, how about those nurses, I think we need to do more nurse cheering.
We had our back concrete lifted yesterday, I am very happy. Yup, you heard it, I AM HAPPY.
Now I just need to convice Randy that we should paint a rug on it.