Saturday, April 11, 2009



We seem to have a ghost that moves things around; just small things like glasses or pens or purses or gloves or whatnots. This ghost has never been seen in action but things are moved everyday. Dad has a strange idea it's me but I have no member of moving things so it cannot be me. Can it? But most things that are in their right place stay there!

I just remembered that when I was growing up the Holy Spirit was called the Holy Ghost. I never have felt the Holy Ghost was scary more like a friendly friend. This Holy Ghost has rarely if ever been seen but he can be experienced. I say he because it takes away from the humanity of he or she.

"The Shack" has become a very popular book that encourages people to look beyong religous stereotypes that has been apart of our religious
conditioning. I find it easy to think of God as Father because we all need to be fathered. This is not a job description but an awareness of the masculine that differs from the feminine.

We enter into marriage or a committed relationship with ideas and expectations of our role and the role of the other person. We can feel angry and betrayed when our expectations are not a reality. I believe that it even causes a deep wound in our soul that causes us to feel sad and empty.

Did we ever really know each other? Does anyone understand how we feel and what causes us to feel sad. Our children once so close to us move away to become their own individuals. As we all grow older we look back on our own childhood and it is easy to see where love disappointed us but unless we can hear our parent's stories and understand some of the demands and stress that they were coping with; we will never discover the love that was always there.

Some head knowledge helps us figure out what is hidden deep within us.

I think or I truly believe out of the death of misunderstanding and prejudice and shame there comes a dawning of the holiness of life that can be resurrected to heal our soul of sickness and grief and redeem our lives so that new life blooms within us and before us.

I would have loved to have seen a vision of Jesus, the Son of God, coming to me and touching me and taking away all my pain. I know that I have been healed. That does not mean that working out in the garden too long does not cause my back to complain. As we grow older we experience more aches and pains in every part of our bodies. It is amazing how resting can help and I believe that spiritual resting also helps us.

This can be a form of prayer or meditation or being touched by the beauty of nature or reading a word of scripture that speaks to us.

"If Christ is in you then your spirit is life itself." Rom. 8:1-11

"So that Christ may live in your hearts through faith'. Eph. 3:14-21

"We are only earthenware jars that hold this treasure." 2 C0r. 4:6

"Glory be to Him whose power, working in us, can do more infinitely more than we can ask or imagine." Eph. 3:14

Easter Time is a time to celebrate the glory of new life rising from death!


P.S. Yes, the life of Jesus and his words and his examples are what we live by but it is his presence that gives us strength and courage. I do not think any of us really understand why he had to die [and of course many try to tell us he did not die] but without his death the words he spoke just speak to our head knowledge. Read the ressurection story again and see the miracle of a stone rolled away and angels appearing. Jesus comes back to breath the Holt Spirit into them. We need good examples but we need more than that

We need to know Jesus but the amazing truth is that He knows us and loves all that we are and all that we can be. His words are living!.

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