Thursday, November 12, 2009


This was gathering up the leaves from the pond and from all over the rocks. This was after cutting the front and side grass twice because it had grown so tall and was so wet.
This is my drain after it has been cleared of leaves and the happy little streams get to run merrily down and away.

This is the pile on top of the drain.

This is mushrooms in my grass, do they look eatable?

This is the flowers and branches I brought inside. I want lots of green life! I woke up to the sound of heavy rain on the window with great gusts of wind blowing and causing banging. I was glad I had done a good job out in the yard yesterday. I had not intended to do all that I did; that included cleaning the shed and the garage too. I did not go visiting because once you start you want to finesh and I knew the rain was coming. Hopefully this will be the final grass cutting, although I like doing it so I should not complain.
More leaves have blown down during the night but I will wait until the wind fineshes blowing them here and there. The burst of energy is not driving me this morning but I will go for a walk.
Dad is going to see Kay Kennedy about his shoulder again and this added to prayer should start to see some results.

The Good Book says that God's blessings are like flowing streams of pure love!
"Be still and know that I am God"

A creator who created this earth with the perfect balance in nature that we are in danger of destroying. Every insect, every creature big or small, has a part to bring life to all of us.


Anonymous said...

Don't think I would eat those mushrooms.



Anonymous said...

There was frost out there this morning,so I think I will give my new long johns a try and get out side today and do some cleaning up of my own..