Monday, November 30, 2009


We enjoyed a rainy day at the Slvia Hotel. I always feel at thome there and it welcomes me like an old trusted friend.
I am so glad that we are entering into the season where Jesus becomes our focus. I think Jesus needs to be rescued and restored as the center of our spirituality. There have been many books written about Jesus and people have seen him with different eyes and they see only part of who is is and was and will always be. I love going back into time and back into the story of his birth. I love the words that flow out of the telling and how real Mary and Joseph become as flesh and blood people.

I had hoped yesterday to spend time reading a book called "There is a Season" . This is based on Eccleslastes and brings new meaning to these old familiar words. I got busy getting ready for our study group and cleaning up and moving chairs so we could all sit together and watch the video.

"There are joys which long to be ours. God sends ten thousands truths, which come about us like birds seeking inlet; but we are shut up to them, so they bring us nothing, but sit and sing awhile upon the roof, and then fly away." The writer is quoting Henry Ward Beecher

"We often ignore joy. As a result, joy unheeded and blessings unacknowledged, carry serious psychological and spiritual significance of their own for us.
But JOY is the spirit of GOD in TIME, it is the only taste of ETERNITY that is freely given."
There is a Season by Joan Chittister.

We are coming into a season when we get caught up into all the extra things that need to be done, the writing of letters and cards, the shopping and the decorations. When all you children were small we made sugar cookies and decorated them one by one. I love to see how tradition is being carried on by our family.

Jesus is the one who has brought joy into my heart and I do not want to lose the love that has awakened my soul.


Anonymous said...

Yes, the taste of sugar cookies still means Christmas for me, I think for my kids too.

Anonymous said...

It's strange about Christmas trees.Many of our friends will not be carrying on this particular tradition this year It must be our ages and physical condition. But l do plan to simplify and take the view that less can translate into more. More Hope, Joy , Love, and Peace in my soul and if these gifts are shared they are the best of all. Jane

Anonymous said...

Good old Sylvia Hotel. I hope they never tear it down.



Anonymous said...

Good picture of Dad.

