Tuesday, November 10, 2009


The ground is now covered with leaves; a carpet of yellow and orange.
Tried to capture the wind blowing our tree back and forth. I guess this is when you put it on to just keep taking pictures.

There is so much fear about this miserable flu making every sore throat and temperature a lot worse. We are hearing of more friends who are getting sick and now
Theresa, our grand daughter has all the signs. The doctors do not want to see you and neither do the blood clinic but if you go into the clinic you have to tell them right away what you have.
The lab. girls all have masks on and are very stressed.

This morning there is an article in the paper that acetaminophen given to children can increase risk of asthma. Before this aspirin was considered dangerous. It is hard to know what is the right thing to do. I have decided that healthy or not I will not let it ruin my day. Some days are just for taking it a bit easy and coping with nausea but our joy in life comes from what we have deep inside us; the experience of the abiding love of God. The Olimpic Torch is being carried through the cold winter's north where it is hard to keep the flame lit. A miner's lamp was used to protect the flame. Now all there is to worry about is bears!
I had to fight the wind as I set out on my walk yesterday but the good thing was it then blew me home. You certainly could not be carrying an umbrella unless you want to end up like Mary Popkins. The day before I had relived my childhood by clearing leaves from the running stream along the sidewalk so that the water could run into the drains. Great sense of accomplishment as I set the water free to keep running.
I have picked some evergreens just to have something from outisde inside now that most of the flowers are going. I think this is what I will take to the nursing home because they love flowers and it is too early for pointsettas.
I would use bigger words but it is the spelling that detours me. Oh well!


Anonymous said...

Ah, now I see why you asked if I liked the picture! You did not have that up yesterday before I commmented. When we headed out for our afternoon walk yesterday it was quite miserable too. Too windy for an umbrella, just enough rain to feel chilled by the time we got back. But, that is the good thing about having 3 of us committed to the walk, always one who is brave and will push us to get out there!

Anonymous said...

I, too, like to set the water free to drain puddles and such. Do you remember, long ago, I use to dam the little stream (ditch) that ran through 8A park?



Anonymous said...

Yes, I do. love mom