Sunday, November 15, 2009


An empty chair, an empty room but The Presence is waiting!
Our churches are now asking the difficult questions that all of us have struggled with at times.
When will war and poverty and suffering end?
Our churches will now be gathering up items to make Christmas hampers which are even more needed this year. Mom's are waiting in the cold dark of the morning to put their names down. They want their children to be able to have a fun day. Over the years we have helped and we will do what we can this year.
How can our churches reach out and touch the lives of our young people?
Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Sigmund Frued and others were all wrong when they predicted the death of religion. Even with socialisum, health and prosperity, science and knowledge etc. these things do not comfort us nor do they soften the harsh realities of life.
My brother shared with me as a small child of 5 when he was very sick with pneumonia in the hospital; and the child in the bed next to him died, why he wondered am I still alive? This is the question many survivors ask.
Where is the energy and excitment and passion that faith offers to the spiritual restlessness that can hit us at any moment?
And I do not believe for one moment that God is silent. He has said it all in the glory of nature and in the experiences and in the words of others and in a world of love and kindness that comes alive even more at this time of year.
The question really is "Are we willing to listen?"


Anonymous said...

I definately feel more greatful for all that I have this year. We are all so vulnerable. And just one event can change all of that so quickly.

Will we see you for dinner? It would proabbly break the silence.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure anybody has predicted the end of religion, although they may well have doubted its usefulness. I'm sure all the tv evanglists raking in the money will make sure that religion stays around for a long time. Sort of like smoking.

As for me, I would be very happy to be rid of religion: I hate popes and priests and imans and ayatollahs and bishops and rabbis and monks and pundits and nuns -- all those parasites who think they can speak on behalf of god. What liars and crooks they are! All of them. No wonder Jesus threw them out of the temple! Good on you Jesus!

If we could only get rid of religion, there might be a tiny bit of room for god.

