Monday, November 23, 2009


Nature reveals healing nature as it changes and flows all around us.

Words have been expressed to me and I have been taught over the years that our self-definition is based on doing. I believe that time spent in prayer have a greater value than we can ever know. Our self worth can be so destroyed that we give in to sickness or loss of soul. Deeo inaide a person there may be a feeling I can't do this any more. We give up. Sometimes an illness wants us to give ourselves attention; to discover what makes US happy not some one else

As I said in church yesterday I am so glad to be apart of a church that believes in the power of prayer. How does it work it is one of the mysteries that believers in God just let rest with God.
Our thoughts have a positive energy that transcend time and space. Words have healing power as does touch and loving friendship. Our bodies need to restore the unbalance that is causing us distress and some part of our body to break down. Our immune system can become low or there can be a gene that has been passed on that weakens us physically.

Little Morgan, who now has the celiac gene has to stop eating wheat flour. When she went out Halloween night she cheerfully told everyone she cannot have smarties they make her sick. Children are amazing and seem to have special courage when facing life=threatning disease.
The love of their parents surrounds them with healing energy.

I am thankful when I know people are praying for me because at times it is hard t0 lift yourself out of what I call the loss of soul energy which can be like a loss of a dream. My body tells me to rest and to be aware of the hope that something waits for me. There are even healing angels that come to us either ones we see or the unseen.

I have no trouble with God being the source and ground of all our being. I dwell with God and He also lives within me. What a mystery! What amazing grace!

I am thankful for all the prayers being said for Matthew as we all pray for his healing.


Anonymous said...

You must have slept in today, I looked for your message early and there was nothing there. Sickness is a very strange thing, and science can not answer all of the questions on why one person gets better and another does not. Have you talked dad into going in to see about his mouth?

Anonymous said...

What a wonderfull photo mom.