Tuesday, November 3, 2009


This flower could not wait until spring.

These are books that I am reading about the spiritual journey.
There are many ways to search for faith and there are many questions
we will never have answered.
There are many ways to practice and to live out your faith.
There are also ways to keep your faith alive!
"An Everyday Holiness" by Alan Morinis, a professor at U.B.C., who explored
Hinduism and Buddhism before returning to his Jewish roots. "Our feet touch
the earth because we are undeniably human and should have no illusions that our spirituality will separate us from all the beauty and suffering our humanity brings. Each of us is endowed with the gift of the spirit, so that we can climb the ladder [Jacob's ladder] of the soul to reach its heavenly heights."
"Speaking of Faith" by Krista Tippett. She is a talk show hosts who is illustrating a way to speal about faith that defuses the many conflicts surrounding religion.
"The Seekers Guide" by Elizabeth Lesser A book that challenges us to read their own spiritual story more clearly and find the inner compass that can lead them home. Elizabeth has founded the Omega Institute a place of wellness and spirituality.
These authors share their experiences of trial and error, confusion and doubt, that leads to a
strong and firm foundation of faith.
Again in the headlines of the paper we are reading about the spread of the flu virus H1N1. We want to do all we can to protect ourselves and our loved ones..A simple cold starts one wondering if it is the flu and how sick am I going to be. I myself do not like to be near anyone who is coughing a lot. No, I will not be getting vaccinated and i do not think the fear of what might happen is healthy for anyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you reading all of these books at once? I should give you my homework to do, you could through in some behavior stuff with your spiritual stuff.