Friday, November 6, 2009


Who know that taking pictures can be so much fun. I didn't. And now that I have started there is no stopping me. This really happened by accident when dad decided to get a new camera and I took pity on the old faithful camera; maybe 3 or 4 years old, and decided to try. I am amazed at how you start looking at things differently and you see more because you are looking to see what you can see.

I have always loved the pictures of Norman Rockwell. The family pictures so full of character and full of life.

And I do know that all religions have virtues even as they all have fundamentalists. We are taught, no I was taught, at a very early age what to believe. I was fortunate because what my faith taught me was happiness. Life makes us grow. I have had to unravel somethings but others are wraped in memories that are for me unshakable experiences.

The virtues I was quoting are from my Jewish book. "Each of us is assigned to master something in our lives. Issues that continually challenge us." Yes, I am searching and finding a deeper faith; probably questioning more, but finding the hidden promises and blessings that come with joyful moments of awareness.
"Start where you are." Pema Chodron - A Buddist
"Like every other form of hunan knowledge, religous psychology is built upon experience. It needs facts. It needs reasoning. I in no way believe that I am better or more important than any other man." Teihard De Chardin -A Christian mystic
We all have a story and that story has significance not only in shaping us but in giving us something to give away!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your photographs Mom.

