Monday, September 5, 2011


I believe that we are all thirsty for beauty and happiness.

The world seems to tell us to just have another drink and all the pain will be lifted from our souls.  We all have burdens that we would like to be free of.  We all cope with life in our own ways.  My parents were very much against drinking although we would have a little sherry in the house at Christmas.

I have discovered that spiritual wine is the best for me.  This is the gift that comes with a thankful heart, a praying spirit and time in worship experiences.  Music is a wonderful way to express emotions.

We did not go out for lunch after church yesterday but were happy to have a visit from Tyler, Craig and Leah.  They were going shopping and planned to attend the mid-night madness at Rickmomd.

Today is the cricket match in North Van. and Theresa and Kim will be playing.  I would like to go and watch for awhile but will wait to hear from the wanderers and wait and see if dad feels up to the drive.
Also we do not know where it is only on the North Shore somewhere.

Feels like another perfect day and I will enjoy my walk with Gundy among the changing colors of fall.

I enjoy the fruit of the harvest too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you actually drink the wine? kim