Sunday, July 14, 2019


My faith in the beauty and mystery of what I believe is my strength.
Healing often takes time and courage 

Outer beauty does not last forever but inner beauty can!

What I need is to believe in myself again.
I am thankful others believe in me
Evan of you are on you are on the right track ; you will get run over if you just sit there." 
Will Rogers.
Like most  things in life you have to look for the beauty and the blessings
that surround you.

Sunday morning found us back in church in our same pew.  Surrounded by beautiful friends.
The story was about the good Samaritan.  Our minister was tough on the religious men who passed by the incurred man while a person of a different way of life stopped to help him.  He was certainly the good Samaritan.

We have a very caring group of people who care about each other and also about the poor and sick and homeless.  In this way we are caring for others especially those who are powerless and hopeless.

We share in each other's pain and sorrow knowing that we can also share this with Jesus.

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy burdened.  I will give you rest and refresh your soul."

I know that my soul needs to be quiet at times and just not to worry.


Sandra said...

It was certainly a lovely day yesterday, though I did not spend much of it outside. Worked my way through laundry and getting everything put back into place. I drop off 3 more kittens this morning and will be down to just one.


beth bennett said...

Sandra I always work like crazy when company leaves
it seems good to be busy.
I wasted the day having a bad sstomach upset
leaving church early and resting all day.

By four I joined dad and we sat outside for a bit.

Feeling better today.

Off to Mark's Store.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

AHHh Faith. I do have faith...but it is different than the faith I was taught in Sunday school and the church I went to for many years.

That is such a pretty photo of the red flower Beth. I love red flowers. they are so cheerful.

It has been very busy for me and I am wondering if I am up to all the classes and lessons I am teaching. I am 75 now...still able to do a lot of things. Healthy and busy as a beaver! I am thankful for all that I have been given in life.
Teaching music theory on Mondays and I forgot how much I enjoy teaching it! it has been at least 10 years since I last taught theory in preparation for exams with the RCM. Royal Conservatory of Music. I teach theory along with the practical lessons I teach. But it is basic.
Tomorrow I am taking my art class out on location to a lovely garden. I hope to post photos on facebook. We will do drawing and sketching and not worry about coming home with a large finished painting. It is a time to learn and practice. Do many sketches.
Doesn`t Mary look happy....she glows even in the photo, one can see it.
I am happy for her too, that her little family will be growing.
Life is funny isn`t it? There are times when things look so bleak and we all worry about what will happen. Often things turn around and everything becomes good again..sometimes even better!

I always enjoy your pictures Beth...of the happy family especially. Lots of good get togethers makes a happy family.

Well I am off to try and cool off after a few really hot and muggy days. This house is hot. I will sit on the deck overlooking the lake and meditate...before bed. It stays light so long this time of year.

I wish you a good sleep tonight and a great day tomorrow,

Love to you both,