Tuesday, July 9, 2019


Another sunny day to drive to White Rock to see the eye doctor.  We are concerned.

Yesterday was a day to learn another lesson.  I think it is bad enough to get old bu do I have to get stupid too.

Yes, I panicked when I could not find my purse.  At first I thought I left it at Sandra and Randy's.  I could not even remember if I took it there.  We both had worked hard in the yard cutting lawn and pulling dead flowers that have turned brown and ugly.  Time to clean up and do some shopping and maybe visiting Vera as she has moved to Laurel place for continued care.

I had had my walk and dad had his bike ride.  We were feeling good!

Now we both look hard searching everywhere.  When I get over-tired I do not remember much of anything.  Unable to find it we set out going from store to store to see if I have left it there,  Every counter I stand at I am sure I have left it there.  No luck.

We came home very discouraged and worried.  I ate two ice cream bars and lay down and rested.
I gave in to total weariness.
When I woke up I had another idea where to look.  It did not make sense but lots of things in this life do not make sense.

I had taking the comforter off Rick-s bed as it is now to warm for it.  It is bulky.  Some how my purse got rapped up in it.  I couldn't believe it.  We can sometimes remember better when we stop trying to remember.  The inner voice knows more than we think!  !

Oprah writes that the best thing we can do is to surrender to the inner power that is within you.


Sandra said...

I am happy to hear you found your purse. I thought of you this morning before everyone got up but then we got busy packing up and heading out to Cultus Lake for the waterslides We were going to go see the Theresa but we forgot it was Morgans birthday so she was busy.


beth bennett said...

I am sure you had a great day. Sandra.

We did not as day had a bad stomach attack.

I will write about it later.

We were invited to Carol and Panteli.s and Kims's
but dad was not well enough to go.

Love mom