Friday, July 26, 2019


My battery ran out so only one picture went on.  I am glad it was of marvellous Morgan!  Our very shy loving great granddaughter.  She sings and she dances!  She is having some health problems, one being low blood pressure and dizziness.  Morgan came in carrying a bright bouquet of flowers which I am enjoying today.

I can not use the excuse when I look in my cupboard that I have nothing to wear.  I received new clothes for my birthday which I am looking forward to wearing.  It was an amazing parry with all my favorite foods and some of my favorite people.  I was surrounded by radiant young faces and happy voices pouring love and blessings out to me.  Theresa and Morgan, Sandra and Carol and Panteli and Kim.

I had many phone calls before and after my party.  Always good to hear from Kenny knowing Matthew is having a birthday in July too.  Early in the morning a cheerful call from Mary and Simone calling from the beach.  A beauty full day there too.

Happy and surprised to hear the voices of  Ranu and Lucas on the phone from Trinidad .  Lucas speals very well with a British accent.

Ron also phoned from Salt Spring where he and Dona have an exciting life.  She is away riding her horse on a camping trip with other horsey people.  Ron will be playing music for their return barbecue.

Rich and Tasha and Justice were unable to come on a work night but left messages on my phone.

Dad writes his own words from me and I appreciate knowing that our love is strong and that it has helped us to overcome some of the fears and hurts that I have overcome.

I set out for my walk and as I pray I am thinking of my brother and his wife Traudle because he always phones and sends a card.

I phone him and find out they are going through a very tough time.  Traudle is very ill in hospital and Brian is exhausted trying to care for her.  My prayers are with them both.  I wish I could do more. do

A happy and a beautiful day touched with some sadness but feelings of thankfulness for everything.

Ben returns from Germany today.  Another exciting day!

I am happy to be happy and healthy and loved!


Sandra said...

It was a nice quiet? Party. Cant wait to get on family feud.
Did you try on your new clothes yet?

Steady-as-rain said...

It is nice that you phoned Uncle Brian and Aunt Traudel. Sad that Traudel is not doing well and that Brian is struggling to look after her.

Lovely that Lucas called to wish you a happy birthday. I don't think his accent can really be called English (West Indian, perhaps), but I know exactly what you mean. I thought he might like to go to Australia next year for his cousin's wedding, but apparently not.

I managed to have a brief exchange with Christopher today. I doubt that he will come to the party for Seeley and Lincoln at Sandra's, but it is not impossible.



beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra tried on my new clothes. The dress you gave me is way too small!

I will exchange it today.

Try to get one just like it.

Rick it would be wonderful to see Chris.

We do miss him from our family parties.

Thankful it is cool this morning.

Love mom