Friday, July 5, 2019


                                              No religion should be based on fear.

Dad and I have a quick visit to see our friend Vera and take her a book to read.  She is busy doing puzzles when we arrive.  She is very  thankful to thankful to have something to take her mind off the confusion about where she will be sent next.  There is no way she can go back to her beautifl appartment.  She was very fearful when she left unable to cope with caring for herself.

We made a new friend named Nancy who has the bed across from her.  Nancy is living in fear.  They are both Christians.
Nancy has improved greatly just being in the same room as Vera.  She has started sitting up and eating and even smiles at us as we say hello.

Both do not know what the future holds.  Actually none of us do.

We all fear different things in life.  A spider or a butterfly can both be fearful to some.

Memories can bring back fears which I now know can be overcome with the love of family and friends and the powerful love of our Heavenly Father.  His love is full of mercy and grace and the power to heal and restore hope in place of fear.

Fear of saying the wrong think helps me to be more thoughtful before I speak.

Fear of falling helps me to be careful going up and down stairs, in the garden or out walking.

I am still learning!

I believe in the power of prayer!
.I believe in the power of love humn and divine!

God touches our lives so we can touch the lives of others.


nancy-Lou said...

Beth, I feel sorry for these two women, whose future is unknown. It is sad that they will have to face huge changes in their lives at their age. Sometimes they have to face it alone too.

We have become a society of throw off seniors...not everyone is like that, but many families just don't have time for the elderly.
The Chinese people honour and respect their seniors and they live with them until they pass on. Often three generations in one home. Years ago that is what happened all over the world because there was no thing as nursing homes and retirement homes.

Isn't it nice that you and Larry have Carol and Sandra and family, close by and they help you. I think inviting you for meals is wonderful. Family visits too. You are blessed!
Quite often cooking can be a challenge for the elderly. Home care comes in and helps the elderly but it isn't the same.

I do like to cook, and Ken sure likes to eat! We are expecting some of his family to come and visit us for a week, the first week of August. They will stay with us. Fortunately this is a large home and there is a wing that will be theirs. they have 2 children so it will be nice to get to know them. We have bikes and kayaks and live along the lake so there will be lots for them to do. They are from Michigan.

Our garden is doing well. Ken is so faithful to it. I am pretty busy with music and art classes so cannot spend a lot of time in it. We had broccoli with our dinner tonight and we couldn't believe how good it tasted. Far different from the store stuff. it is the first time we have grown broccoli. We have brussel sprouts as it will be interesting. That is new. we are eating strawberries too, but it is hard to keep ahead of the chipmunks.
Soon we will have a bumper crop of raspberries. They are huge and their taste is like a fruit explosion in your mouth...I have never tasted anything like them before. I know we will be doing a lot of picking and freezing. We still have some frozen from last year. I will make a raspberry/ lemon crumble tomorrow.

Ken is busy composing music on his computer. His music has been used for movies and tv shows and he gets residuals from it. He is really talented. He just asked me to come and listen to what he is doing now and it was meditation music for a sunset. The sun was setting over the lake and the lake is very wavy and moving quickly. The reflections of gold on the lake looked like liquid gold..the music and the beautiful sunset brought tears to my eyes. How blessed we are to be able to share our knowledge and love of music with one another. it is something neither one of us has experienced in all our 70+ years.

I hope you have a good day tomorrow. I have an appointment to meet with clients regarding a commission piece. it is a painting of Victoria Beach and will be a wedding gift. They know my art because I have done this for them a couple of times already. it is in the restricted area so I will park at the parking lot and walk to their cottage, like all the other cottage owners do. It will take about 20 minutes and will be a beautiful walk. I think Ken will come too.

How wonderful you were able to console that poor woman who had the dentistry done. You are a very special lady bring comfort to so many over the years.

Love to you both,

beth bennett said...

Thanks Nancy

You two are so very fortunate to have found each other,

Just like Chad and Mary.

Both very talented and kind hearted.

Love beth