Monday, July 22, 2019


Kimdmess is such a blessing.
           Rick takes out to lunch.  Most people have beed kind when they come to the door.

At the I.C.B.C. they broke the rules about accepting a paper birth certificate for my enhanced drivers license.  The problem was I had grabbed dad's license by mistake.  She wanted me to come back with the right one.  I did not want to do that.  Driving out to Langley is no fun anymore.  All has been done now and I will get my new license in the mail in a couple of weeks.

They were a lot nicer to me than they were to dad the last time he went.

We stopped at the store and dad picked up a big nail which could damage sone one's tire and a lady offered to carry out my groceries for me.

When we returned home our neighbors Core and Natasha brought over some fresh baked croissants they had fun baking together.  They have done many kind things for us.

To-morrow Aneta wants to walk with me.  We have fun on our walks and it is fun to have her dog Lucy along.  She is just like Haiti so happy to see us.

In the afternoon Joanne has asked us over for tea.  She loves to tell funny stories so that is just what we want to hear.

My friend Mary, from church is coming over Wed. to bring me some special G.F. cookies she has made.  She is a fantastic cook.

Thursday we are invited to Carol and Pantel's to celebrate my birthday.  I can pick what I want to eat which is hard because I love so many of the good meals I have had there and at Sandra's and Randy's.

I have received several birthday cards in the mail.

Friday we will visit Vera again.  Not an easy visit as she is failing but still cheerful.  She is another wonderful cook and has made delicious soup for me when I have been recovering from my hospital stays.

When we feel the kindness of others life seems to take on a special glow!


Sandra said...

I can't wait to see what you pick for dinner. Randy won't be able to make it as he is on afternoons. My last kitten has finally been picked and I will be dropping her off that morning at the shelter.


Steady-as-rain said...

Gosh, I almost wanted to take Sandra's last kitten home. She seemed very nice. Even though I don't like kittens.

The problem with the nomination forms is that many people won't take the time to actually spell out their name and address in a fashion that can be read. If Elections Canada can't read the name or address, they just don't accept it as a valid signature and the whole process has been a wasted of time, in regard to that specific siganture, which is why some extra signatures over the 100 have to be obtained because 20 or 30 percentage of the signatures are useless. So, actually, the printed name and address are more important than the actual signature, as Elections Canada doesn't check the signature, as they can't. They rely on the witness.

Anyway, I think I got a bit too much sun and heat over the weekend. I had a delightful swim at Sandra and Randy's place on the way. That really refreshed me and helped to make the drive home on Sunday evening more bearable.

I think it was my turn to buy lunch.

I didn't know Kenny had GERD too.

I mailed your birthday card on Monday, so it should arrive just on your birthday on Thursday.

It was nice of Craig's parents to come down and watch the kids. If everybody helps, then big tasks can get done.



Shandel said...

Kindness is wonderful