Sunday, May 17, 2020


                                                    Very rainy morning.
Spenser refused to go for a walk.
No kids jumping in the pools at the park.
No one was there at all.
Just me!

The sun is out now and dad is sitting outside.
He missed doing the morning Sudoku as there was no paper.
He is not feeling so good today.
The company was very good for him yesterday.
He needs some therapy on his back.

We are fortunate to have so many choices even with this staying at home.  It is important to keep choosing love over fear.  Faith in our choices making a difference is helpful.  We stay home today.

I would love to worry less and be more joyful.  

The Bible tells me that there is a sacred mystery at the very heart of being human.

Perfection is not possible and not even obtainable but we do the best we can day by day,

It is not always easy to make the right choices.  Many things to be considered.

Strength will come when we need it.  

Healing takes time.


Steady-as-rain said...

Well, Spensor does seem a bit picky. Although he is so low to the ground that puddles might seem like more of a barrier to him than to people on two legs!

Ice/cold-packs are good for the back. The warmth of heating pads feels good, and is sometimes good, but ice is probably better for actually reducing inflammation and pain. That's my conclusion, anyway. Going back and forth between hot and cold can also be good.

Did Dad ever check his spam folder?

I am not feeling well, but try to just push on through.

I really don't have any interest at all in the old testament in the bible. Mark was the first gospel written by a fair ways, so I tend to have more interest in that one. No Bethleham nonsense in Mark. I am still fascinated by the first century and Paul and how all this got started.

How is Uncle Brian doing? I sent him a short letter. I hope that he got it.



beth bennett said...

That is good Rick sending Brian a letter.

He is having a difficult time
walking helps.
also sorting out the legal bits.

I wish you were feeling better.

Good advice for dad.
We know these things but forget.

Love mom

Anonymous said...

I cut the grass and did weed eater yesterday. I bought a new head for my weed eater , quick load , it is FANTASTIC. The weather is changing again , more rain , of course we can never get enough.. Kids busy with home schooling. Melina is keeping an eye on them .

beth bennett said...

Yes Rick, I am bowncing back and forth hot (feels nice) cold (not nice). Spencer sure has a mind of his own. Great for some people not old very nice dogs.
Ken, those weed wackers drive me crazy, Just got a skhil from Sweden, not bad,but I still cant get the string in properly! What is the make?

Hope you can find something soon to make you feel better Rick.

This is dad - on Mom's computer, dosent help my typing at all!

Sandra said...

Finished my planting Monday morning. We drive out to centennial beach and met Mandi and James for an hour. It was surprisingly nice out there. I guess I just thought it would be chillier down at the beach so had over dressed. They are itching to get back to Edmonton and will make the move once the rules life a bit so it is easier to do.


beth bennett said...

Good to keep in touch. The beach is a great place to do that.
Planted some carrot and pea seeds.
Must tell Kim.

Love mom

Theresa said...

It’s so easy to forgot that we always have choices even when it feels like we don’t. This is a good reminder.

I have been noticing so many azaleas! I never noticed how many colours they come in and how many people have them. I think pandemic is helping me notice more. When I go for walks, I notice more, even though I am likely listening to a podcast or talking to someone on the phone. This week I noticed a seagulls nest super high up on a lights about the baseball fields. I haven’t seen any baby seagulls though. I have always wanted to see baby seagulls.