Monday, May 25, 2020


The voices that gladden our hearts
                                                         and lighten out load speak to our hearts.

It was a joy to hear from so many in our family both on the phone or on my blog,
We heard from Theresa, Rick, Carol, Sandra and Ken.  It means a lot to both dad and I to listen to the concerns that bring is comfort.

Evidently our friends Pat and John tried to reach us by phone too.  It would be evening before we talk to them.  

What would we do with out each other?

We are very blest with each one of you!

We are a family with big hearts!  
We care for one another by keeping in touch.

It was a day when places started to open up. 
But many did not hear the words of caution.
We still still need to keep a distance from one another
but we can invite family to come in now.

Sandra phones to invite me to shop for flowers but my heart was not in it.  After waiting for over an hour for me to find my wallet we went to buy some much needed things like eggs, butter and milk and bread.

The clerks were very helpful in finding corn meal flour for me.  The found two kinds and even told me the prices.  Sandra did not waste  her time waiting but did a lot of work in my garden.It is blooming as both the weeds and flowers continue to grow.

Dad had a restful day and slept for three hours while Spenser nd I walked to the park to return the books I have read.

"More than one voice needs to be heard in a healthy society."  Dr. Lee who died after first being jailed for speaking out about the seriousness of the Covid-19.  Later he was released and hailed as a hero but he ended up dying with this disease.

Dad has seen a mouse so two mouse traps are put out.  Spenser decides the cheese is meant for him and tries very hard to taste it.  What a disaster if he were to have his nose caught in the rap.  I dream about this frighting possibility.  I was the one who had a restless night.

Morning came and two little mice have been caught.

"Being seen and heard happens one voice at a time."  Mark Nepo

Our neighbor brings over some delicious cinnamon  buns.  

Another way others are speaking into our lives.

Dad and I are both very tired at the end of the day

We are both very grateful for family and friends and for Spenser even though he can be extremely stubborn.  He belongs in this family of stubborn but good hearted people.


Unknown said...

Such a busy day, it is amazing how much you old folks accomplish every day.

It was very good to see you not get upset about your lost wallet, just keep plugging away on your steps back and forth till the ahha moment when you found it.

I just wish I would have had garden gloves and tool rather than bare hands, I could have made much better use of my time.


Steady-as-rain said...

Cinnamon buns from the neighbours! Wow what good be better? Although I suppose they are likely not gluten free.

Yes, helping and caring for others is important. That's what I think of when I think of Christianity.

So nice that the clerks at the store went out of their way to be helpful.

Two mice in one night - likely you got them all, I suppose.

No duck news?

On the TV I often see people with a bowl by the front door and they put the keys into the bowl right after they come home. I could never be that organized or consistent.



beth bennett said...

Hi guys.

Very tired today.

Say the duck crossing the road.
Why do they do that?

Another mouse sighting this morning.
We have to find another mouse trap.

Yes we have very nice neighbors.

Love mom

Anonymous said...

Bad news , Jasmine has been diagnosed a Coeliac . The blood tests she was give at the hospital confirmed it. Jasmine has been having a sore stomach , so the Dr did the test for coeliac . I mean its good that we now know why she has a sore stomach.
mom you need and apple watch with pay wave and you could leave the wallet at home. I leave my keys on the ledge at the front door so I know where they are....except when Melina takes my car then the keys could be anywhere.:)


beth bennett said...

Sorry to hear about Jasmine. It takes an effort to change your diet.

It will take time to heal also.

love mom