Thursday, May 7, 2020


Happiness is finding the unexpected.
I have been looking up at the windows now I am looking down at the ground.

It is nice to think you have been chosen!

Happiness is finding your own inner strength
Your path and your purpose.
your very own faith.

Each of us struggles with our own disappointments and failures.

We need to keep searching for answers.
Am I honest and faithful?
Can you be too honest?
Am I kind and.caring?
Am I going to be safe?
Do I still need to keep my distance or is it okay to hug one another again?

One thing I know is we need to support and encourage one another, especially when one feels vulnerable.  No I am not feeling depressed but I am feeling vulnerable.


Sandra said...

I am just feeling off, having to think about what you can or can not do all the time is tiring.

Mary asked me to day if she should wait till I got there to plant flowers but I said no since I have no idea when I ca go.


beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra dad and I feel a little off.

Dad especially with a runny nose and a sore back from his fall
and his sore eye etc.

I just feel useless.

love mom