Wednesday, May 27, 2020


Have I put this picture on before?
It is the water running in our back pond.

Dad had his treatment at the physio but it got too painful so he ask her to stop.

He communicates with her very well it is the receptionist he cannot understand.

He decides to stop in at the Safeway before coming home.  He does not notice the arrows at first. 
It was drawn to his attention when actually he was going the right way but the old lady coming the other way admitted she was in the wrong. They are good in some ways and I have a feeling they may stay around for a while.

It is hard to stay positive when you are in pain.  I remember the story about the lepers who lost fingers and toes because they did not feel pain.  I know it is easy to re-injure yourself.
Early in the morning.

Early days as things open.

Early days in dad's recovery.

We continue to honor the first responders
who have risk their own lives to save us.

We all can draw on the courage that is a part of who we are and do our best to do our part.

The problem is the pain that dad is having is worse today.


Steady-as-rain said...

Hopefully the x-rays turn up soon. It might be the case that Dad should not be getting physio-therapy, depending on the injury, I suppose.

The sun has finally come back to Kamloops. Everything is very green because of the recent rains, but that won't last too long.

I wrote an email to one of my friends at my old job today. Not much to really tell them, but they asked that I stay in touch.



Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, I imagine the arrows in the grocery stores will be around for quite a while.

beth bennett said...

Good to stay in touch Rick.

Hopefully you hear back from your new applications.

Things are slowly improving so maybe this will help too.

Love mom

Sandra said...

Are the staff wearing masks and is that why dad finds it hard to understand them?

The thing with the arrows is that you often still have to pass people and so does not really stop the closeness.

Mary has been busy painting, has all 3 bedrooms done now.

Kingston has no cases of Covid any more, no deaths at all and only 60 odd cases total so they are pushing to be able to open up. It does kind of seem unreasonable to hold them to the same standards as Toronto which still has lots of cases.

We have turned on the pool heater and Mandi and James are coming over on Friday to take Max for his first swim.


beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra the staff all wear masks and he has to wear one too.
The woman who gives the treatment dad can hear.
Another appointment on Sat.

Have fun with Maxwell!

Love mom