Tuesday, May 5, 2020


We all have our good and bad moments.
Today felt like summer.
It was a good day.
Spenser got his hair cut just in time.

We all have our good and our bad days.  Dad had another bike ride today which was good but he fell and that was not so good.

Dad sent his taxes in which is always a good thing to get done.

Spenser and I had two walks but I was too tired to make supper.  Dad is always happy with a peanut butter sandwich.

I was delighted to receive a mother's day card from Rick.

Disappointed there will be no gathering at Sandra and Randy's for Mother's Day.  Maybe for Father's Day.

Sorry to hear Craig has not been well.

Scripture tells me that nothing  can separate me from God's love.
Not the good nor the bad.  It is all okay.

"Take time to love and nurture yourself."
-Demi Lovato

"Most of the time all you have is the moment
and the imperfect love of the people around you."
-Anne Lamontt.


Sandra said...

It was very nice out today, I had my walk earlier at work before it got too warm out. It is going to be very hot when Randy and I are working in the garden putting rocks around the pool.

I hope Dad was able to pick him self up and continue on his ride with out too much damage to body or pride.

I am disappoint too, obviously I am forced to live by the fears of the most cautious, so who knows when we will have a real family get together again.

Craig is not feeling well? Just a cold?


beth bennett said...

Craig had a sore throat and a temperature.
He says he is better today. A worry.

Maybe you and Tasha could come for a sidewalk visit on Sunday?

Dad had help getting his bike up. He has hurt his back again.

He is feeling very sore today.

Love mom