Tuesday, May 19, 2020


                                                       Our duck has returned.
                                                    It is a female my friend says.
                              She seems happy wandering through yards pecking at the grass.
                                        Another duck also comes and walks along with her.
The animal shelter phones about the duck because Sandra phones them.  No ducktoday.

                        Do I have my ducks all in a row?  Do my words line up with my actions?

As our world starts to reopen where will I be confident to go and what should I wear?

"Although we live in a sea of words, we rarely acknowledge their power to
uplift or put down,  to inspire or discourage,  to help or to hurt."  -Ken Blanchard

"Every day when we wake up is a good day"  (for most of us) .
Every breath we take filled with new hope for a better day.
Every word that we speak is a chance to change what is bad into something that is good."
-Walter Mosley

Our lives have been shaped by the words we have heard and the words we believed.
Words become a part of us and give our lives meaning and purpose.

I read a lot and ask myself what is the purpose of the writer.

This is important when reading the Old Testament where we read about violence and corruption.
And we do not like it but has the world changed a lot since then?

Dad remembers the words that saved his life when he could not speak or move. 
The doctor declared him dead.  The young girl said  "He cannot be dead.  I know this boy." 
Because he responded to the pain when he was touched he proved he was still alive.

Words saved his life literally.  God had plans for the life of this young man who would later save the life of a man who crashed into a murky ditch, or the time he went to rescue people in a boat having trouble.

He had to fall in love and have a wonderful family with his dear wife.  Me.

Words go into the body (the heart and soul) of who we are.  Some we keep and others we discard, 
and need to be forgotten.

Dad feels discouraged waking up and feeling the pain in his back.  He has stated taking a new medication it makes his sleepy.  Hopefully he can find a place open to have Physio Therapy which I hope will help him to heal.

Spenser and I walked over to the Phys-Therapy office and dad has an appointment for Thursday at 3 o'clock.

"Respect the power of words choose them carefully."   -Chinese fortune cookie


Steady-as-rain said...

I think the raccoons will eventually get the duck if it doesn't take to the air.

Yes, it is good that Dad survived the motor-cycle accident when he was a teenager. Things would have been much different, to say the least!

It is important to realize that covid has not gone away. Basically the "flattened curve" just means there is more room in hospitals at any particular time. That is what the "curve" is all about. Not really who or how many will get covid in the end but whether we will get it all at once. So you and Dad should please *KEEP* being cautious. Covid will be with us for a year or two or even more.

The old testament says the Jews are God's chosen people - indeed, it rarely says anything else! - which is nonsense. I don't even worry about the violence in the various stories because it is nonsense with or without the violence.

Another job interview on Friday but it is hard to get too excited about it as I have had so many lately with no offers.



kim said...

I hope the duck becomes your pet and lives permanently in your back yard. I think it and Spencer could be friends.
Love kimberly

beth bennett said...

Yes Spenser thinks the duck is cool.
Love mom

Theresa said...

Does the duck have a name?