Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Help I am locked out.
Dad thought I was in bed
and he was locking up down stairs.
But I was out in the garage
and the light was turned off
and the door locked.
It was very dark.
I made my way to the door and started banging on it.
He couldn't believe when he heard the knocking
and opened the door and there I was.

Yes we have been locked out of many places at this time.  It is disappointing.  We are learning to accept what we cannot change.  One day all our waiting will be over.  Hopefully we will use what we have learnt at this time and continue to be careful not to spread germs or catch any germs.

"The most valuable possession you can own is a happy heart."  -Carlos Santana

I was very surprised to find a little heart on the rock of our front garden'

There was also one at the park.  I kept looking to see is any other house had one.  Not on our street.
I felt very special.

I did a little work outside, cut a little grass, pulled a few weeds,  and had my walks with Spenser.

Our fire alarm has been going off all day so we drove to get a new battery.

An another quiet day!


Sandra said...

You and Dad can come over here on Sunday, more half way for Tasha than driving all the way to your house.

Well, good thing dad is not so deaf he couldnt hear you banging on the door.

All the days are quiet lately around here. Work a little, visit with kittens a little. have a walk, watch TV and repeat.


beth bennett said...

Sounds okay to me.

Love mom