Monday, October 12, 2020


 The fireplace and the candles added to the arm feeling of love we experienced as we arrive at Sandra and Randy's.  We could hear the laughter from the kitchen.  We were welcomed with happy faces shining with love.  I realize that each one means more to me than ever before.

I was slow getting ready not knowing what to wear.  No nylon stockings to go with the dress I finally picked out.  I ran and got in the car without my shoes so grabed a old pair from the garage,

                                              Randy busy cutting up the turkey.

                                       Sandra and Kim busy with last minute tasks.
We are all sitting down waiting for all the food to be brought in.

A handsome couple.

Happy faces.

Misty and Spenser happy on the couch.
I am so thankful for the good food and the good cooks.
I was loaded up with flowers and food to take home.
A reminder that every moment of every day has the potential
to bless us or teach us.
Moments of love and laughter are the best
especially when we share stories from our heart,

God's perfect love for each one of us helps me to trust His hand upon their lives.


beth bennett said...

Thanks Ken for your comments. Yes joys and tears often go together.

Lots of love expressed at the wedding. So thankful for all going well.

Wonderful to be with your children.

Good Melina is so thoughtful and caring too.

Love mom

Ken Bennett said...

Looked like a fantastic day , great food and company. I reposted the wedding synopsis again after I deleted it. Typos !
Yes I am still in Brisbane . Took the car back then took a train into town . Im staying until Thursday. I found a cheaper hotel ($90 a nite )
its ok but not a real nice area . I am going to dinner on Wednesday with Brittany and Cade (the bf ) hopefully Hobey and Cidney will come as well.
News of more covid cases in Melbourne means we will continue in lock down for a few more weeks. Melina says stay up here!! Anyway I miss my kids and Melina so I kind of want to go home now . I had a test ride of the bike in our gym , and my knee was ok .I will go back down now and test it for 30 mins and see how I feel.
Take care

Sandra said...

Tired day for me yesterday. Had to start on the chill for our company lunch on Thurday and it was more work than a turkey dinner. Lots of chopping!
Will be thinking of Ricky, let me know if you here from him after the procedure.

Shandel said...

Looks wonderful!