Monday, August 8, 2022



Computer troubles again.

I was so surprised yesterday when I was doing as little work in the garden and Sandra you arrived all ready to work.  I took off for a walk with Spenser and came home and had a nap and you were still work.  You took down huge branches so the the little bench and walk way was opened up again.  You did a great job and we were amazed but you did do too much.

I went out and filled one bag early this morning.  We need to get more of those bags.  We were going to go shopping after we took Spenser over to Boundary Park.  There was no breeze and it was too hot.  We came home and rested in our cool bed room.

I worked in my computer room too long and got all heated up again.

Spenser wants to go our again so off we GO.



Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, Sandra does deserve our thanks for helping you with the garden (and getting the air-conditioner).

The clear plastic bags? Or do you have special bags in Delta for garden clippings?

I think there is a deer sleeping by my back door, as the grass there is all squashed down.



Anonymous said...

Oh, I dont think I did too much. I mean, I didnt even clean up my mess. I might come back and do more this weekend, so how hot it is.