Friday, August 19, 2022


                                                         We were both very tired and I was just drifting off to sleep when dad started coughing.  .A  dull night turned into coughing and dancing.  Dad seemed to be dancing with the /Air conditioner.  They both fell over and dad got a very nasty cut on his arm. I took on the role of Florence Nightengale  The cut had to be cleaned and the blood was pouring out down his arm.  I did not do the best job but with about five bandages we got it covered,

I could not get back to sleep.

I was thankful Laura would be here in the morning.

Carol dropped by to see us and join us for lunch.  We enjoyed eating out in the back yard,

Took Spenser to the Watershed Park.  We left as a big nasty bit bull arrived.  His owner wanted to be sure Spenser was on a leash.  He was. He was just lying down on the path.  He does not like the hot weather,

Dad is watching football so he is happy,  I have the cough medicine ready for tonight.


Sandra said...

I will be over to drain the air conditioner for you. Please remember to ask Laura to help you do that as long as it stays hot and you need to use it.

Steady-as-rain said...

Well, you have used your literary skills, Mom, to make light of what happened, but this is really rather alarming. From what you have written, Dad was trying to lift or move the air-conditioner and lost his balance and tumbled to the floor .... with the air-conditioner then falling on him? Whatever actually happened, this is worrisome.

Maybe eventually get central air-conditioning installed? The extreme heat is likely to continue each summer - maybe get worse - for the coming years. So central air-conditioning will probably become far more common in coming years. (I see them installing it on "This Old House" quite often.)

The new inhaler I am using is a steroid and it seems to be working, but it is making me a bit up and down. I am wondering if I am going to get dependent on it. And all that.




Ken Bennett said...

Strang visual of Dad dancing with the air conditioner! Hope the coughing fit doesn't return.