Tuesday, August 9, 2022


Wide awake and it was only 4.
I lay there until 5.
I got up and read
and then went outside.
I tried to clean up a bit but it did not look any different.

We are going to the store later this afternoon.
We need those special brown bags, 
We also need some food.

I wrote a card to Mary and a note to Kim.
I think I need to share a bit about my childhood,
I did much the same as they did.
Riding bikes and going swimming.

Three of us would ride out to three old houses just out of town.
We believed they were haunted.
We would dare each other to go in.
I got really afraid when I did..

I walked to the swimming pool over the train bridge.
Hoping the train would not come.

In small ways I was learning to be brave.

I also liked riding out to the university
and dream of going there one day.

I could leave home a little sad but ready to grow up on my own.

I love the early morning when it is still cool.



Sandra said...

I have been sleeping terrible too, having stupid dreams. Remember not to work outside if it is too hot. Sandra

Ken Bennett said...

A very cold night here. Boots the cat snuck in last night. She meows at 5am for food and to be let outside. Looks like the BC lions have a star quarterback. World JUNIORS start today. hopefully, I can watch some games on youtube.