Friday, August 26, 2022


 I am up first.  We had a very bad night last night with dad coughing for over an hour.  He stops and goes right back to sleep.  I am now wide awake.  I will be ready for a morning nap.

I look back at my day yesterday.  Always some positive things happen.  I make a new friend at the park.  She enjoys reading and she is sitting by the rock reading.  Her name is Kim.

Later in the day  take Spenser for a walk to the park.  It was an effort and I was happy when we got back home.  I left the door open to let a little breeze.  Dad takes Spenser leash off ,  We are busy talking and do not notice he has taken off out the door.  As soon as we look around and see no sign of him we go outside to look for him.  No sign of him,

Dad backs the car out ready to do a big search,  Before he starts he sees Spenser on the neighbors yard across the road,  He runs away from dad but I am able to catch him.

Even I do not trust him any more.  He will not go out alone or without being on a leash.

The day had been a little stressful with a visit from Pat and John,  They arrive hot and tired and looking stressed.  Time for ice tea I say.  I forgot John does not drink any tea or coffee and Pat hates ice tea.  .we offer them cold water.  They had arrived late in the afternoon and my energy levels were also down.  They did not plan to stay long but they did.  I hope they left a little lighter in spirit.

The spirit within each of us I believe lives deep in our souls.  

"It gives us strength and wisdom,

Laura is here now

I phones the doctor about dad's cough.

1 comment:

Ken Bennett said...

Off to Jasmines' basketball soon. I am scheduled to be the scorekeeper...sigh..Looks like a cooler day for you guys. We are nearing spring,I can't wait for the nice weather. Matt and Jasmine got their report cards, and both were very good despite their many absences. With Covid around the school is much more tolerant of sick days.