Friday, October 2, 2009


I love the fall colours

I cannot resist looking at the books.

I am so thankful I do not have to drive every day in heavy traffic.

I am processing how I really feel and being honest about what I can and cannot do. I have being aware of the stress and worry the people who love you experience as I now worry about dad.
I carried a lot of guilt all the years when I was so sick and the doctors did not know the answers.
Theresa is so honest about how terrible she feels when she eats wheat and she has am immediate re-action. By the time they found out what was wrong with me I was straving my body because it was not getting fed. I was fortunate to recover as well as I did although I have never had the energy that I hoped for. I am trying to be honest and take care of myself and rest when i am tired and stick to my diet.

Yesterday I had an excellent day. I had a fancy coffee with Jane and she is some one I can be honest with and that is good. She understands chronic health issues and encourages me so very much. I am fortunate I have many good friends. Our home group at Panorama and our other study group have become like family who care and love you.

I then went visiting at the Nursing Home. It appears it is not closing. There are three people still there that I visit and they are so happy to see me and that gives me joy! Then I went to visit Shirley and we had tea and then I walked with her around the garden grounds. I am going to try to do this every Thrusday. Dad had my glutin-free soup warming for me when I got home. I have a lot of great glutin-free food that I can eat and not be tempted to buy cake from the Safeway. The reason I cheated was well this is as good as I am going to get so I would like to have some enjoyment.

Then we talked to Ken and Melina on the phone. We were so sorry to hear Ken's car had been bassed in at the shopping center; thankfully no one was hurt, but the car was badly damaged and barely driveable. The fellow promised to report it to his insurance but so far has failed to do it and pretends he cannot speak English.

We all face our personal challenges and some times there seems to be no silver lining; but in the midst of it all we find out what really matters. The love of family and friends; and for me a faith which has always had a childlike quality to it, good books to read, uplifting music to listen to, an amazing world of colour all around me. We have many things to be thankful for. We can all pick up a dandelion and blow the seeds and make a wish.

The little boy's face grew very solemn as he blew the dandelion seeds and he said "Half these seeds go to Santa and half go up to God. Whatever God leaves by our tree. . . . it's sure to be enough." I will always believe that God meets our needs in surprising ways in His time and through many different people.


Anonymous said...

It is great that you have lots of choice in the glutin free products these days .


Anonymous said...

Yes Ken, even you would like the new bread that Carol found for us.
The family are making more of an effort too now that there are more than one of us.
Theresa is amazing and is finding out stuff I never knew.

I am really sticking to my diet and it is so much easier.

love mom