Saturday, October 10, 2009


Two sisters so different but we love to have come and visit. Young people are so amazing and bring us such joy!
"Friendship is a tapestry woven through the years, with threads of joy and laughter, happiness and tears." I am blessed to have many wonderful friends, all so different; but we have touched each other's lives with our faith and our prayers for one another.

Grace is a new friend from Kenya . She has such a beautiful attitude and a joyful faith and she makes wonderful chicken curry with sweet potatoes and no flour! We are very open in our group and share from the heart and have a lot of laughs. Our faith has brought us together and we all love to read.

1 comment:

Tavia said...

Ack! I look dead! What a terrible picture!


You're right. Ava and I are so incredibly different.