Thursday, October 8, 2009


I just wanted to take one more picture to try to capture the colorful rocks, but I dropped the camera in the water. I could not believe it.

I cannot believe that some people seem to have so much suffering in their lives. Why does a young girl go back on drugs when she has been off them for months and must know the suffering she is causing her parents. Also there are so many people struggling with health problems, aging parents and unhappiness over their own lives or that of some one close to them.

I cannot believe I have been awake since 4. I might as well get up as lie there unable to sleep.

I cannot believe I dropped my camera in the pond and now it does not work. Yes, I believe that I need water-proof cameras and water proof cell-phones. I really cannot believe that dad is taking this so calmly. I am very upset with myself.

I could not believe how long it took to get the house cleaned up. You can go along and just ignore the dirt until all at once you see it all. We were talking about being free of your past in our home group and how we are never entirely free. I said that we cannot live in a world without getting dirty but as believers we can trust God to wash us and make us clean and create in our brokenness a new spirit and a new heart.

Now that I can believe! ! !
We live in a world where we all experience some suffering, some we bring on ourselves some others cause us. But I believe that good can come out of it. For one thing we learn compassion and we also find God when we see that our suffering breaks His heart too. We are called to be people of mercy and humility and honesty.
Suffering has the power to break the ego's power over our soul and allows the spirit to breath new life into us.
The unbelievable becomes real; really believable! ! !


Anonymous said...

Moving day . Settlement is about 1pm today , hope it goes through without any problems. I have the truck booked from 2pm . I hope your camera works when you dry it out.


Anonymous said...

Wow, it seemed so far off and now you will be in your new house Kenny, with your new family of 3 kids again. And I cant believe that I may be doing the same thing myself soon, minus the 3 kids of course. And mom,if dropping a camera or phone or 2 or 3 in water is the price you pay for being alive and active and taking picures and driving places and questioning and then that is not all that much to pay.

Anonymous said...

Well, if the camera doesn't work after you dropped it in the water, where did the picture come from?

Has the new car stopped leaking oil?



Anonymous said...

I do not think any of you re-read this but thanks for your comments. I loved them all.

Rick the picture came from my storehouse of pictures.

My love to you all! love mom

Anonymous said...

I do to re read if I ask a question. Maybe not right away, but I do look.

Tavia said...

I can't believe you dropped your camera!

You're so cute, Beth!


I love you,