Friday, October 9, 2009


I am so thankful we live in a peaceful world where we have freedom to worship and learn.
I pray that one day it will really be a land of equal opportunity and justice for the poor and abused; and corruption in government and high places will be ended. My hope is for the next generation to rise up and speak up and change the rottenness as it continues to be exposed but not dealt with.
I am so thankful for the beauty of nature, for trees turning colour proclaiming that winter is coming and reminding us to be thankful for each sunny day.

I am amazed at how many things I have to be thankful for; the list keeps growing and growing.
I am going out to lunch with my girlfiends at Carolyn's house. She will have the table set so beautiful and we will have to catch up on all the things going on in each other's lives.
I got asked just yesterday to share my thoughts about being thankful and at first my cranky self was annoyed. Yesterday was a busy day at the Nursing Home visiting and coming home tired but it is always a happy tired. Tavia had come to visit and was there with dad when I rushed in to have a cup of coffee and a peiece of glutin-free cinamon cake my friend had made for me.
Dad and Tavia shared a pizza. So much for soup and grilled cheese. I thought every one liked grilled cheese. Dad certainly does. The visit was long and I went immediately to bed as dad drove her home and picked up video's from the library. We had ordered three and just one we had seen before. So thankfully we could watch it in bed.
So I had no time to thinking of writing about thankfulness and I was not all that happy about doing it.
I woke up this morning with ideas coming when last night I could think of nothing but being thankful that I could go to bed and sleep!
I am thankful for friends and family and the joy they all bring into our lives.
I am thankful for this blog that allows me to grumble as well as being thankful!


Anonymous said...

sorry i missed your text message , i was rather busy moving and all .Nice photo , your getting better.Is that Sandra's street?
Matthew is not well .He has a back molar coming in , he is not eating and very soukie . Hope he is better soon ,makes moving much harder when you have to carry a baby as well .
Delf and his kids helped with the move . Jesse was great , and liked to drive in the big truck , reminded his of driving with hi Nonno ( grand dad italian )
Gotto get up early go to work , will let u know our new ph nbr when we have one .
Love ya

Anonymous said...

We thought you would be busy but wanted you to know we were thinking of you.

You will be thankful when that molar comes in. I will be praying and I wish I could have been there to hold him.

That picture of the street in 124 and 64.

Lots of love to you all. love mom