Tuesday, October 20, 2009


My carrots from my little backyard garden.
Now there is a traffic life that protects me as I cross the road.

We want to get a bigger mirror to bring more light into our kitchen.

We are leaving for study group when the last of the light in the sky fades. Darkness comes earlier now and it is one of the things we do not like. Yet we need darkness in our lives as well as light. Darkness reminds us it is time to rest even as the earth is resting during the winter months. Enjoy the beauty and freshness of the day as we all appreciate the gift of fall!

To me fall is an especially beautiful time of the year. So many spectacular colours
grace the landscape and gladen the heart. It is harvest time when fruits and vegtables are ready for our kitchen tables.
"This then is salvation: to marvel at the beauty of created things and to marvel at the beauty of their creator." - Meister Eckhart
Everyday as I do my blog the words "add your image" flash upon the screen as I search for the right picture. The biblical account of Creation says we are made in the image and likeness of God, expressed in the beautiful latin phrase imago Dei. Out of the myths and stories and metaphors in the words of scripture we are showen deeper truths. The birth of a child is a blessing because this child will bring something unique and special into our world. We are born inescapably good, blessed with goodness not cursed with sin. We lose our way by making bad choices and by believing false doctrine and by hurtful words that create doubt not faith.


Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or do those carrots keep popping up over and over again? Where have they put up a new light? I want to try and take some pictures of my red red bush in the front, I was too dirty on Sunday, and too tired yesterday.
Maybe today.

beth bennett said...

Yes i rewrote yesterdays blog and remove the carrots on today.
Yes take your bush. love mom

Anonymous said...

Yes I am a Bennett too I changed my Monday's blog so you can see Rick's house better and one little less blurry picture.