Monday, October 26, 2009


These pumpkins have already blown down; but what a happy sight.
Last week I started to notice more and more pumpkins. This brings back memories of cutting out pumpkin faces. It is amazing what some people can do with their creativity. I do not know when this actually started because I do not remember it as a child. What I do remember is taking around little milk cartons to collect money for the war effort.
I have just read "The Cellist of Sarajevo". This is a story bases on a true person who was a cellist; who seeing from his window a line up of people killed during the war in that country. He committs to taking his cello and his stool and playing on the spot where 22 people died. It reminds us of the power of music to speak to the soul and dispell some of the darkness.
People forced to fight took on new names so that
"they could slip in and out of two lives
new names not to endanger their families
new names to separate themselves from what they had to do"
so that someday they could regain their true identity and forget the hatred that forced them to kill or be killed.
It is a real story about survival of the human spirit forced to make impossible moral choices.
Everyday the cellist plays in memory of those who were killed but also to keep alive the certainty that the world would someday become normal again and their was still the capacity for goodness in the world.


Anonymous said...

I was thinking of reading that book. I wonder though how people can ever forget, or let go of horrible things in the past. There are things that I have seen and years and years later it can still make me cry. How can you ever look at another human and trust or lover or hope after you have personaly seen how cruel they can be. I know what you are going to say, but calling it god does not really change anything. Oh well, at least everyone in my first aid class are there so that they can maybe help someone one day, maybe even save a life. I will focus on that.

Anonymous said...

mmmm pumpkin pie ...
