Sunday, October 4, 2009


A smile and a frown a young little hand with grannie's

Morgan wants our hats

grandpa enjoys Ben and Morgan

Life is full of contrasts.

My childhood and upbringung so much different than today; freer and less parental involment.
Free to roam around the neighborhood, over to the park or walking to the swimming pool.

The sick and the healthy, the rich or the poor,
the beauty of the night with the beauty of the daylight,
the broken with the whole [today I found one whole wine bottle and one smashed beer bottle], the young with the old. [ The elderly have such amazing stories to tell and I love to listen to them.]
Religion with science.
Hope with hopelessness.

The Bible is also full of contrasts.

The old testament and the new testament.
Mary and Martha.
Jesus and John the Baptist.
Jesus and Paul.
Sinner with saint.
The gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke contrast with John's gospel.

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