Wednesday, November 4, 2009


One by one my beautiful flowers are fading from my garden. Now is the time for nature to rest while there may be growing that I cannot see.

Wisdom is searching for the deeper meaning in the words that keep marching before us on the printing page or the words that our minds are continually dwelling upon. I keep wondering if all the words that need to be said have already been said and all we need to do is remember.

Can I trust my own response? Can I trust what is written because everything is from a certain perspective that wants me to follow on the path laid down word by word. Life should be simple and yet it is not. It is like a maze where we try to find our way and often come to a dead end and we have to retrace our steps and find what is the right way. It is the practice of everyday kindness, goodness, caring, compassion that creates and stirs up within us a sense of our purpose and an awareness of the worth of every loving being. You can choose the word that fits what you are being taught in your own life experiences.

Christian virtues [an old fashioned word] are the character traits we value like humility, patience, gratitude, compassion, unconditional love, simplicity, enthusiasum, joy, generosity, moderation, responsibility and trust. Faith is believing that our strong traits have the potential to become blended with our weaker ones to create "balance."

We each have stumbling blocks because we have blind spots and we struggle to over-come the judgment of others and our own innate selfishness. When I am listening at church I will be energized when something touches my heart and I want to respond. No I have never had an "Eureka!" moment where I was blinded by the light of truth but sometimes it is just a glimmer'
a glimmer of hope and healing.

Today I got up not know what time it was because our clock was unplugged. I awoke thinking of these things that I am now writing and I want to remember. Why do I wake up at 5:30 when dad sleeps happily to 8:30? We have our own alarm clocks within us that keep us on time with what we are to do and to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I dont know why Christains get to lay claim to all those nice virtues? I think we see the worst of other religions since it is only the bad stuff that makes it to the news, but I am pretty sure that the basis of most religions are virtues identical or simular to the ones Christians claim.